Percentage Calculator
This percentage calculator calculates the percentage of a number with respect to another number, percentage increase, percentage decrease.It simplifies the calculations and provide precise answers to our dailylife percentage problems. Whether you are calculating discounts, calculating returns on your investments,calculating tips, calculating your profit or loss percent, this percentage calculator can help you with all of that.
Percentage simply means if we have hundred parts, how much part is covered by the given number. To calculate a percentage first of you you need two numbers. Let us suppose these two numbers are: numA and numB
Meaning of percentage is that How much part of numB is numA if the numB is considered as 100.
Meaning of percentage is that How much part of numB is numA if the numB is considered as 100.
What is X% of Y ?
When you see the % symbol think that the number associated with it is divided by 100.
For Example: What is 23% of 245 ?
A is what % of B?
It simply means A is how much part of B if B is considered as 100.
For Example: 56 is what % of 80?
M is P % of What?
For this type of problem we are given the percentage and value at percentage and we need to calculate the total value on whose basis the percentage is calculated. Let us suppose the total value is K
And we can calculate the value of K as:
And we can calculate the value of K as:
For Example: 35 is 40 % of What?
Hence, 40% of 87.5 is 35.
Hence, 40% of 87.5 is 35.
How to calculate Percentage Increase or Percentage Decrease ?
To calculate the percentage increase or decrease first of all we need the initial value and the final value. Let us suppose these values are: and .
The concept is simple if the initial value is less than the final value then we know that there has been some increment in the value and we need to calculate the percentage increase otherwise percentage decrease.
After that the difference of the value is calculated and then it is divided by the initial value and then multiplied by 100 to get the percentage increase or decrease of the value.
i.e. Percentage Increase or Decrease =
The concept is simple if the initial value is less than the final value then we know that there has been some increment in the value and we need to calculate the percentage increase otherwise percentage decrease.
After that the difference of the value is calculated and then it is divided by the initial value and then multiplied by 100 to get the percentage increase or decrease of the value.
i.e. Percentage Increase or Decrease =
For Example:
What is the percentage increase when 25 increased to 43?
Percentate Increase = increase.
What is the percentage decrease when 47 decreased to 33?
Percentate Decrease = decrease.
Hence, the sign also signifies that if the value has been increased or decreased. If the sign is negative then the calculated percentage change is decrease percentage otherwise it is increase percentage.
What is the percentage increase when 25 increased to 43?
Percentate Increase = increase.
What is the percentage decrease when 47 decreased to 33?
Percentate Decrease = decrease.
Hence, the sign also signifies that if the value has been increased or decreased. If the sign is negative then the calculated percentage change is decrease percentage otherwise it is increase percentage.